Zettelkasten Method


My summary of https://zettelkasten.de/introduction/

At first it requires some effort, but later it'll be extremely useful (and pleasant) just like swimming (Swimming analogy - when something is hard in the beginning).

Once you have your zettelkasten going, when you want to write something you just have to ask your self "Where to start?". And then follow the links...

It's important to have a fixed address of each note. Everything becomes possible because of it. As I'm using a written title as the address of the note, it's important to avoid breaking links. Obsidian can handle this, but some care is still needed.

The most important traits of a Zettelkasten:

  1. it's hyper-textual (basically links)
  2. Principle of Atomicity (this is what make it click for me): each note only contains one unit of knowledge.
  3. it's personal

About Principle of Atomicity:

Referring to an atomic note is unambiguous: when you reference it, you will know what that "thought" is. There should be no room for guesswork.

About being personal, I've found this part quite interesting (as I'm a fan of learning in public, it hit me):

If you don't keep your diary absolutely private, you wouldn't write some things down, and you'd filter other things, there distorting them. Writing for yourself is and should be different from writing for the public.

The Anatomy of a Zettel

Unique Identifier

In the Zettelkasten system ideas must be atomic. Here are some atomic ideas I have: