using obsidian-digital-garden

This is my oversimplified version of the plugin's instructions here.

preliminary work

in obsidian

creating notes

The notes you want to see published must have dg-publish: true on their frontmatter:

dg-publish: true

The one you wanna see as your home page must have this on the frontmatter:

dg-publish: true
dg-home: true

publishing "all" notes

Currently there's no way to publish all notes by default (I opened an issue with requesting this feature).

As a workaround I created a script that works nice for my workflow:

Requirement: the vault itself must be a git repository (what I usually do).

The script adds a dg-publish: true to all versioned *.md files that don't have a dg-publish: defined in it's frontmatter.

Consequences of this:

While the feature requested in the OP is not implemented, I'll be using that script as pre-commit git hook.

themes for the published website

My favorite ones come in the top