Kubernetes Overview

Container + Orchestration

Docker is not meant to run different Operating Systems/Kernels on the same hardware. The main purpose of docker, is to containerize applications and ship and run them.

Container orchestration: the process of automatically deploying and managing containers (usually based on the load needs).

Kubernetes Architecture

| -------------- |       | ----------------- |
| kube-apiserver | <---> | kubelet           |
| etcd           |       |                   |
| controller     |       |                   |
| scheduler      |       |                   |
|                |       | container runtime |
| -------------- |       | ----------------- |
| Master Node    |       | Worker Node       |
| -------------- |       | ----------------- |

The kubectl is the CLI used to interact with kubernetes.


anki cards

TARGET DECK: kubernetes

The 6 main kubernetes components #flashcard

k8s component: API Server #flashcard

k8s component: etcd #flashcard

k8s component: Scheduler #flashcard

k8s component: Controller #flashcard

k8s component: Container Runtime #flashcard

k8s component: kubelet #flashcard