Docker for NodeJS - 2. Docker Compose Basics

The instructor recommends that in day to day activities we should be using docker-compose YAML files instead of complex docker commands on terminal.

The first insight I had (as a DevOps Eng.), was to have a docker-compose setup for each job on a pipeline. Being able to quickly reproduce the pipeline locally.

docker-compose up

docker-compose down

docker-compose ...


clone the repo:

# inside the repository directory...

# run through simple compose commands
cd sample-02
docker compose up
{ #c}
 (same as `docker-compose stop`)
docker compose down
docker compose up -d # detached
docker compose ps
docker compose logs

# while app is running detached...
docker compose exec web sh
curl localhost # curl is not installed...

# edit Dockerfile, add curl with apk
# RUN apk add --update curl
docker compose up -d # it won't rebuild the image

# force rebuild the image
docker compose up -d --build

# now try curl again
docker compose exec web sh
curl localhost # not it should works!

# to finalize the assignment...
# inside sample-02/ dir
docker compose down